Sunday, January 08, 2012


Two years ago Patsy Matheson had a vision of an album, one with no deadline, no pre-planned list of songs, basically a blank canvass to produce something unique. The result is “Stories of Angels & Guitars” which enables Patsy to paint evocative and tender textured pictures with such descriptive lyrics. The angelic harmonic feel is evident from the first track “Under Your Wing” with harmonies which carry you along, and yet still allows Patsy’s impeccable vocals to shine through, before gently taking you onto a more laid-back lounge-feel track in “No Angel”. Love and emotions feature heavily throughout the album with every emotional pore being exposed throughout “Adoption” and “If You Ask Me” (which is my own personal favourite track of the album) and the feeling of missing in “Hotel Rooms”. The feel of the first track returns with the perfectly balanced vocals on “So The Same”, before a slightly faster pace is provided with “Hundred Guitars”, which like the following track, “Shining Silver”, complete with a haunting beginning is classic Patsy Matheson. The combination of mandolin intertwined with Patsy’s wonderful vocals provide a very special experience with “Water is over the Weir” before an incredible finale with “Sylvia Jean” which is a moving history and love story rolled into one and provides a fitting end to a very special album. From start to finish Patsy fourth solo album is like an expensive claret, smooth, rich and velvety which takes the listener into a warm glow of musical heaven

The album is released on 16th January and for more details please visit: