The Welsh T Band took the new West Leeds venue, Bar Ropa in Armley by storm and showed why they are one of the most popular “live” bands around. Playing to an appreciative audience they rattled off foot-stamping track after track, from their own compositions to Eric Clapton through to Tommy Tucker, everything was played and performed with vibrant enthusiasm. Finishing off with Johnny B Goode, the Welsh T Band are very, very good. If you like blues and rock, this is a band that has to be on your “must see” list as they play with an enjoyment which makes such a refreshing change. The Welsh T Band have announced details of their forthcoming appearances at the The Great British R & B Festival 2006 at Colne, Lancashire;26th August North Valley Hotel 20-00 to 22-0026th August Union Exchange Midnight to 02-0027th August The Jovial Hatters 13-30 to 15-3027th August Union Exchange 22-30 to 12-30am28th August The Jovial Hatters 14-00 to 16-00Bar Ropa are lining up more great acts to play each Saturday night, for further information contact the venue direct on 07999 444 953.